Monday, November 29, 2010

'Nurturing a Heart of Humility' Finishing the Masterpiece Introduction - Day 1

From the Heart of Gods Word –

  • “Where does the record of the life of Mary begin? And where is the best place to begin our study? Isa.7:14-  14Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
·        Now read Matt. 1:21-23 - 21She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus for he will save his people from their sins." 22All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet:  23 "Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel"

  • Look up Micah 5:2 –
    2 But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days.

·        Next Read Luke 3:23-38. Don’t let this genealogy of Mary’s Lineage overwhelm you. Begin by listing the names you already familiar with. It’s important to understand that the genealogy in Luke 3 gives the human line of Jesus, the son of man, tracing His lineage through MARY (Heli in verse 23 was MARY’S Father back to Adam. First-century people through Jesus was the son of Joseph. Luke made it clear that Jesus was actually GOD’S Son and that Mary was his mother.

From Your Heart…

“As we step into our study, we realize that 400 years have passed since the conclusion of Malachi, the last book of the OT. And in the biblical record, over 500 years have gone by without a Miracle. Bible scholars call these years “the silent years.”  What happens when God is silent… or seems to be silent? How did God’s people behave during those silent years? And what did they believe?

The people you’ll be meeting in the scriptures below and in the days and lessons to follow show us the answers to these questions-they served God…period. They were not wanting something more true they looked with anticipation for the promised Messiah. But they woke up each and every day of their lives and sought to live a righteous life before God. They endeavored to trust and obey, to walk and yield to God’s already expressed will.
Now how are you to live while waiting upon God to finish His Masterpiece, and His master plan for your life?

Live expectantly- God’s people during any age are to live with the anticipation of God’s redemption.

What was Simeon in Luke 2:25-26 Expecting?
And Anna in Luke 2:38?
-         And as a Bonus Question, HOW did these saints live while waiting?
Simeon (Luke 2:25)?
Anna (Luke 2:37)?

            Live in Obedience-How did Elizabeth and Zacharias in Luke 1:6 Conduct their daily Lives while living expectantly?

            -And Mary in Luke 1:30 and 38
            - And Joseph Matthew 1:19
            - How well do you measure up in your own Obedience as compared to …Simeon?
            - Anna?
            - Elizabeth and Zacharias?
            - Mary and Joseph?

            Live with understanding- God is NEVER silent, and He is  ALWAYS at work directing  the course of events throughout the world to bring about His perfect will in His Perfect time. He rules the changing tides of history. How does Psalm 75:6-7 Comfort you and encourage you?

Nurturing a Heart of Humility

  Dear one, we must also live humbly. This study about Mary, a woman after God’s own heart, a woman desirous of fulfilling God’s will for her life (Acts 13:23). And the lessons to come will reveal that Mary was a woman with a heart of humility. So, how do you and I set about to nurture the same heart of humility toward God and others that we’ll find Mary exhibiting throughout these pages?

Read your Bible regularly-the Bible discloses God’s will for your Life. Once you know what His will is then you can humbly obey it.

Pray regularly- Prayer develops the heart-and a posture-of Humility. Prayer also helps bring your will in line with God’s will.

Worship Regularly- God asks for your worship-both private and corporate worship. When you worship you are submitting yourself to be quiet before God and to be taught by Him and by others. Both acts nurture humility in your heart.

Serve others regularly- Whom should you serve? Serve your Family first…and beyond them, serve everyone who crosses your path. Service it the outward working of humility.

And now, may God Richly bless you as you nurture a heart of humility, for ‘Humility is the Christian’s loveliest virtue and his crowning grace’”

Hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed typing it all out!