I am totally Excited for Christmas... and I am really excited about this "Blog"... So I thought... Hmmmm Do I have to stop?
NO I don't!
SO for the month of December I am going to post EVERY DAY (Lord willing!)
I am going to go through....
'Nurtuting a Heart Of Humility, Character Studies- Mary' -by Elizabeth George
I did this book back in 12/07-3/08 there are only 26 devotionals so I will start on next Monday Nov. 29!!
I know you will enjoy it, and please I would love comments if you have time!
Please know I will primarily be quoting the book, and will add my thoughts in at the end!!
If you don't want to receive Email updates about the study let me know and I will remove your name from the list.
Also, I am going to delete most of the "Personal posts". That way if you want someone else to read this Blog for the Month of December you can invite them.
I really hope you enjoy this upcoming month of study! I am really excited!
Hope you all have a GREAT day and a HAPPY Thanksgiving...
( I am going to post Pics of the 20lb Turkey that I am cooking, and the 20lbs of Mashed potatoes, the Place settings/favors that the girls and I made, and the "Bingo" Game that Evelyn and I made! Maybe here but for sure on FB!!)